Need a new kitchen tap fitted? Even with a Belfast sink and hard to access pipes , there are ways and means to get that ideal tap fitted for your home.

Bespoke shelving built and painted this week.
These units have been spaced at different intervals to accommodate vinyl records and books of varying sizes.
It's not a normal shaped alcove with central heating pipes running up the corner and a very shallow chimney breast relative to the rest of the alcove.
None of the corners were 90°, so each shelf had to be custom cut to fit the changing shape of this old house.
The brackets were cast iron, The paint used was an acrylic egg shell hardwaring, I used a 30 mm layer of beading on the front edge of the shelves in order to make them look thicker.

I like to think these posts allow the Google megamind to accurately judge my website relevant to the people looking for quality handyman and home improvement work.
But I feel every time I check if all my SEOs and metatags are doing whatever they are suppose to do, something has changed or being added so I have to try and learn what the new approach is.
Anyway, this post is largely to try add some appropriate SEO something or other to the content and see if that helps my search results
Here is also a picture of some of my work