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Short stories about my daily life as a handyman with photos, descriptions of my works and occasional tips and tricks

My Blog

Writer's pictureDavid Sweeney

Sometimes the best job on a Monday morning is to take a sledgehammer to an old shed. Very cathartic, and replacing it with some premier lap fencing along the back boundary created a nice little space for a BBQ. You can see from the skip how much wood made up the substantial shed and base. Highly recommended job for anyone who needs to relieve some frustration over the state of politics in the UK.

Writer's pictureDavid Sweeney

I often get a list of jobs that have built up, as they do with any house. I'll come and spend a day or more doing lots of little jobs to get a house back in order. Today: new sink, resilicone bath, splashback tiling, and fit a new electric shower. Get in touch if you have a list too.

Writer's pictureDavid Sweeney

Thought I'd add a photo looking into the office today. This was in a job painting the fascia on the side of the roof. Needed the ladder and full extension and a roller on a pole. Still cheaper than scaffolding. If you need a man with a big ladder, get in touch.

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