Here are a few before pictures from a recent bathroom job. It was a tear down and start again endeavour. Tune in next week to see the completed photos and a full list of the work carried out.
Every wondered where they get the noises from for sci fi films? Well I discovered one this week. The noise of the motor starting on my new tile cutter sounds like the door-opening noise from my favourite film: Aliens. This was purchased following the demise of my previous tile cutter after working with some particularly thick stone tiles.
This is a job I get asked to do all the time. It doesn't matter what you use or how much you clean, eventually the silicon around your bath or shower or sink or worktop will degrade, come off, or get mould on it. The process involves scraping the bulk off, then user a silicon remover substance. I then scrape the rest off and clean and dry the area thoroughly. After this I can apply the new silicon and leave to dry. If you need it doing get In touch.